Monday, January 2, 2012

ROW80 Goals 2012 Round 1

I started off the last round rather strong and with ambitious goals, but then my writing business hit a snag and I had to scramble to make sure I had enough money to pay bills and buy Christmas gifts. All went well and I am ready to resume my creative writing, although I am still spending quite a bit of time looking for work. I also took a part-time job at the local Y to help make ends meet.

Here then are my ROW80 goals for round 1 of 2012:

Write 5,000 words/week of novel. By writing 5,000 words/week on my novel, I hope to have it finished before the local writer's conference in April. Agents will be there and I hope to make my big pitch. I have 8,000 words down and a framework for the rest so I should be good.

Read 1 short story / week. I have been reading more short stories and it has really helped my writing. I recently read a few by E.L. Doctorow and wrote a flash fiction in his style. Hopefully it'll find a home in a publication.

Read 3 Fiction Books - Not sure what yet. I have a few from the library. I'll probably read those.

Read 3 Craft Books - Again, not sure which books. Last time I picked a real "heavy" book. I'm going to read light ones this time.

10 Hours/Week on Platform - This includes reading other blogs, blogging, tweeting, etc.

Send 2 queries/follow-ups a week

Workout 3 times/week - Probably one swim, one class, one run/weights. Should be easy since I'm working at the Y now, right?

So that's it. I'm excited again. I thought it was a great experience last time.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness me! You're so motivated! :D

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