Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday ROW80 Check In (01.04.12)

Here is where I stand with my ROW80 goals for this round:

Write 5,000 words/week of novel.
Haven't done anything yet. I hope to find time to work on this over the weekend.

Read 1 short story / week. I read a short story by Raymond Carver. I'll probably read more. It was interesting and had a strange finish.

Read 3 Fiction Books - Reading "The God Particle."

Read 3 Craft Books - Reading "Scene and Structure."

10 Hours/Week on Platform - About 3 hours so far.

Send 2 queries/follow-ups a week - Nothing yet.

Workout 3 times/week - Worked out on Monday. Will probably swim tomorrow.

I know this was short, but it's been a crazy week...hoping to have more time later this week.


  1. Keep it up. I've had the same kind of week. Things getting back on track slowly from the holiday scramble. I'm sure you will get there!

  2. You have done so much to help me get started as I bring my writing into public view. Therefore, for writing and supporting all of us in the writer's group, I wanted to nominate you for the Versatile Blogger award. You can find more info on my blog here:

    This is also a great way to promote your blog. Congrats and have a groovy week!
